Connectivity & Connectedness
Connectivity is part of everyday learning at the upper secondary school and successfully combines the core areas of character development, plurilingualism, digital media and digitation.

I think it's great that experts take the time to work with us.
The focus is not only on interconnected thinking but also on interdisciplinary work in mixed-age teams and project-oriented learning. For us, connectivity is not only about learning at school, but also about learning through active participation in the community. We encourage our students to explore and shape the world.
Entrepreneurship supports students in developing their self-leadership skills by teaching them to take responsibility, to believe in themselves and to motivate themselves - and thus to achieve their goals.
Entrepreneurship Education
The modular subject “Entrepreneurship” accompanies the students up to the Matura. In the module “Business Basics” the students acquire tools from the world of business. Entrepreneurship is means also being concerned with personal development in addition to economic knowledge. The students train to deal with stress constructively and to evaluate their own emotional and cognitive processes. They get to know with their strengths and needs and learn to independently deepen the trained skills.
Cooperating with Experts
The modular subject “Entrepreneurship” is taught by independent experts from the academic and business worlds. Within the framework of a start-up lab, the new teaching subject will be linked to the existing masterclasses. We are proud to cooperate with the Institute for Entrepreneurship at the University of Liechtenstein for the implementation of Entrepreneurship Education.
I love how experts take time out of their busy schedules to work with us.
Project Weeks Masterclass
School is more than lessons on a timetable. Therefore, twice a school year, classes in the upper secondary school are cancelled for one week every. Pupils choose one of the four interdisciplinary subject modules, the so-called Masterclasses, which they spend a week dealing with. The inputs and workshops during this week are designed and accompanied by experts, i.e. the true “Masters”, from science, business, art and culture. For their Masterclass week, students can choose from the following four topics:
- Identity and culture
- Information, media and art
- Nature, technology and sustainability
- Economy, entrepreneurship and law
I am more patient and tackle certain tasks more slowly in order to understand them instead of just writing down the solutions. I have really become more open to knowledge and feel less under time pressure because I can work freely.
Learning in a Campus environment usually takes place every five weeks at the upper secondary school. This means that students are responsible for organising their learning autonomously, self-directed and with the help of a digital learning environment. This means that students decide for themselves which assignments they want to complete at what time. However, the format of the assignments not only encourages individual learning. Since there are also team tasks, social skills and cooperative working are also fostered. Teachers accompany learning in Campus individually, provide differentiated support in case of queries and carefully review the learning process.