Your questions, our answers
FAQs of the Primary School of formatio Privatschule
What particularly distinguishes the concept of Primary School?
- Supervision ratio: One teacher supervises an average of five pupils.
- Bilingualism: 1/3 of the lessons are taught either bilingually or completely in English.
- Additional offers: Cambridge English for the 3rd to 5th grade.
- “Project Afternoon” (1st to 5th grade): Daily cross-curricular thematic project lessons in mixed-age groups. The focus is on the promotion of self-directed learning in multidimensional learning settings.
- We teach 7 lessons daily. This means about 30% more lessons per week compared to public primary schools.
- Targeted use of iPads as well as new media, consolidation and support in class, learning to use media sensibly → “Media & Informatics” in LiLe is taken into account.
- A good relationship with parents and children is very important to us. Every two months the head of the Primary School offers a meeting for the parents of our school children.
- At the end of Primary School we deliberately avoid transfer examinations and rely on scientific research. We refrain from selection and prefer to ensure in secondary school that the pupils are promoted according to their individual abilities by means of an appropriate teaching concept.
- Lunchtime supervision: Fresh and healthy food is prepared, and a teacher is always on hand to supervise.
- The children are at school from 8.30 – 15.30 (morning supervision from 7.30) and are supervised by teachers throughout the day.
Primary School is considered a pioneer for digital media. How are iPads and other technologies used? Do students no longer learn to write with a pen?
Of course our students still write with pens. We use state-approved teaching aids. The students learn to structure and design notebooks. The iPads and other devices are specifically introduced from the time they enter Primary School. The effective and attentive use of iPads and new media is the main aspect. The iPad is a work tool and not a toy.
How long do pupils look at a screen per day? Do they do everything on the iPad?
No, they work with the iPad for an average of 30 to 45 minutes over an entire school day. A teacher is always present and ensures that the iPad is used properly and only used for learning purposes.
The formatio Private School already offers a lot of English in Primary School and a broader range of subjects than in other schools. Isn’t that too early? Doesn’t it overburden the children?
Children are very curious by nature. Our basic pedagogical attitude requires us to accommodate this curiosity. Discovering and acting out individual strengths is also encouraged. It is also important to accustom the older pupils to different teacher personalities. This is an important preparation for secondary school. In addition, languages can be learned more easily at a younger age.
How does Primary School support particularly gifted pupils and how do teachers work with pupils who need more time and help?
At formatio Primary School there are two cross-year groups: the Juniors (1st to 3rd grade) and the Seniors (4th and 5th grade). In our school there is one teacher for every five students. On the one hand, this allows us to strengthen the strengths of particularly gifted pupils and, on the other hand, it makes it easier to support children who need more support. In addition, we have a specially trained teacher (MAS Integrative promotion of talent and giftedness, FHNW), who can provide complementary and integrated support and encouragement for gifted pupils.
formatio Private School offers English and other subjects such as STEAM in Primary school. Is that too early? Is this too much for young children?
Children are by nature very curious and it is never too early to activate their curiosity. Discovering and acting out their individual strengths is encouraged. formatio Private School believes languages are best learned at a young age. It is also important for the pupils to experience different teachers and their teaching styles. This is important to prepare the Primary School students for formatio Secondary School. In addition, languages are best learned at a young age.
When do the lessons start and end?
Learning needs structures. That’s why we give our students a daily structure for when teaching and learning takes place at the Primary School. Morning care starts at 7.30 am and takes care of the students. Regular lessons usually start at 08:30 and end at 15:30. From 11:55 am to 13:00 pm there is lunch together in the cafeteria.
What about homework and exams?
Like at any other school, formatio Primary School has homework. Each pupil receives one homework assignment on Monday and the assignment needs to be completed by Thursday. Examinations and test check the level of achievement with regard to the Liechtenstein curriculum. Students always receive a list of learning objectives before the test for individual preparation.
The Primary School of the formatio Private School is a private school with public rights. What does that mean?
Yes, the formatio Private School is a public school. After thorough examination, we have been granted the right by the government of the Principality of Liechtenstein to issue legally valid certificates etc. – just like the state schools. Our teachers are certified and recognised experts. We teach the Liechtenstein curriculum as a minimum standard.
How long is my child at school every day?
Morning care starts at 7.30 am and takes care of the students. We start classes at 8.30 a.m. and end classes daily at 3.30 p.m. There is no afternoon without lessons. The lunch break takes place from 11.55 to 13.00. During this time the students are supervised by a teacher, eat together with him/her in the in-house cafeteria and then play on the playground.
How do the students spend their lunch break?
We have a cafeteria with its own gastro kitchen. Fresh, healthy and regional cuisine is served daily. Students load money onto their badge and can buy snacks and lunch at reasonable prices. Our current menu plan is always available on our homepage. After lunch together, the children usually spend the break in the open air on the playground in the fresh air, supervised by a teacher.
Certificates and Graduation
What type of report card do the students receive?
Pupils in Year 1 receive a report twice a year without grades, with detailed reports on the subjects German, mathematics and English. Starting in the 2nd grade, pupils receive a report twice a year with marks in the subjects German, mathematics and English. In addition, all pupils also receive twice a year a detailed written report on their social and working behaviour.
As a school with public rights, our reports have exactly the same status as those of a public school.
Where do pupils transfer to after Primary School?
The majority of students transfer to our Secondary School. This has the advantage that the school concept, for which many families appreciate the formatio Private School, continues seamlessly there. In addition, the teachers work together constructively and in the interest of the students at all levels. Thus a good transition to the next school level is guaranteed. Students who decide to transfer to another school take a compulsory transition test. The prerequisite for this is passing grade 5 of the formatio Primary School (the basis for this is provided by the LiLe).
Could we get to know the lessons and the Primary School without obligation?
Of course! Just contact us by phone at +423 392 20 88 or via email at Please feel free to also use our contact form.
Is there an admission process?
Admission to Primary School is regulated by an admission process. You can find all details about admission here.
Is it possible for my child to start Primary School even if he or she has no previous knowledge of English?
Yes, it is possible. In Primary School, English is taught in a playful way and English is also spoken in between lessons. This enables the children to learn English quickly and to use it freely and naturally in everyday life.
What are the costs involved in attending formatio Private School?
As a private institution, we charge school fees for our extensive and outstanding educational services. We will gladly send you our cost breakdown and other documents. Please contact our secretary’s office at
Is there a possibility for a scholarship?
Under certain circumstances, it is possible to apply for a scholarship. Please send a mail to