Mag. Günther Kaiser, Principal and Managing Director

Principal and
Managing Director

Günther Kaiser studied mathematics and physics at the University of Innsbruck. After 7 years of teaching in Austria, he moved to Hungary in 2003, where he worked as a school administrator and quality management officer, before taking over the management of the Austrian School in Budapest in 2009. In 2017 he moved to Mexico on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Research and Science in order to manage the development of the upper level of the Austrian School Mexico in Querétaro in the same functions. Günther Kaiser has been the managing director and educational director of the formatio private school since August 2022.



Maria Fasel (primary school), Herwig Schreiber (secondary school) and Günther Kaiser (upper secondary school) are in charge of the three school levels. The leaders stand for education in a changing world. They rely on a consistent concept throughout all three school levels and on sustainable innovation and strategy in school development.




formatio Privatschule – Illustration draw-together