School Development & Innovation
The formatio private school stands for innovation.
In order for school development to be sustainable and ensure lasting changes, three levels must be considered: Organizational development, staff development and classroom (teaching) development. At formatio Private School, the interaction of all three areas is an essential factor for successful innovation that has been awarded by the European Commission.

School Development Project
formatio · plurilingual · digital
The school development project “formatio · plurilingual · digital” has been implemented in the Upper Secondary School since the 2017/18. Since 2019/20, the Secondary School has also been involved in the school development process. The project was awarded the European Language Label in 2019.
Prof. Dr. Britta Hufeisen, Professor at the University of Darmstadt and the main thinker behind the whole school curriculum PlurCur©, and Dr. Elisabeth Allgäuer-Hackl, expert for multilingualism in educational contexts and school development counsellor, are the main experts in the practical initiation and scientific support of the project.
Coordinated Teacher Training
The compulsory and coordinated teacher training enables the continuous staff development and ensures the ongoing development of the teaching and the quality of teaching and learning. Some of the continuing education courses are organized at the school, while others are selected by the teachers from a range of international educational course progrmms.
Impulses from Experts
The following renowned experts have already been welcomed to the “formatio – plurilingual – digital” for teacher trainings:
Dr. Britta Hufeisen
“Introduction to the Whole School Curriculum PlurCur®”, “Consolidating the Whole School Curriculum”, “The Role of Language in the Natural Sciences Classroom”
Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Krumm
“Multilingual Curriculum”(Mehrsprachencurriculum)
Dr. Werner Nagel
“Latin as Reflected in Romance languages”
Dr. Elisabeth Langer
“Language Sensitive Teaching”
Prof. Dr. Birgit Kordt
“Plurilingual Teaching: Learning Languages with EuroCom”
Dr. Georg Marschnig
“Values and Words”
Mag. Kerstin Mayr-Keiler MA
“Concepts and Language” and “Bilingual Education and CLIL”
Mag. Joachim Schlabach
“Multilingualism in the workplace – Results from Research Projects” and “Plurilingual Competences and their Description”
Mag. Eva Kühne und Mag. Angelika Kessler MA
“Multilingualism in the educational practice”
Scientifically Researched Model School
In order to determine objective success factors, the school development project is accompanied by scientific research. Joachim Schlabach is working on a research project on the topic “Multilingual Competencies for a Whole School Curriculum”. He is supervised by Prof. Dr. Britta Hufeisen
Quality Management
In addition to the scientific research the Upper Secondary School is integrated into the compulsory quality assurance system called “SQA” within the Austrian Schools Abroad network. This ensures the current and further development of the quality of teaching. The annual report, which documents the school development of the Upper Secondary School in detail, is reviewed directly at the Ministry of Education in Vienna.